Camp Kozica
Camp price per day
Here you can see how much is the price on the camping Croatia price list for day stay at Auto camp Kozica. Prices refers to the 2025 season., and the price list is created based on market assessments of the company Luje Ltd. which seeks to price its services to adapt the current time with the aim of enabling rest in our camp at the low price, especially comparing with other camping Croatia price list in the other auto camps. In the table below you can see a detailed list all items, in order to have a complete overview of what you pay for.
Prices vary depending on dates during the year, so after selecting a interval in which you want to stay in Camp Kozica send us an e-mail asking for a reservation, we will, if there is space, confirm as soon as possible. This camping Croatia price list is valid just for Camp Kozica.
Flat rate residence for camp-trailor: 3.350 € + VAT
*Place=car + caravan, car + tent + electricity
*Price includes services and VAT
*Price list is valid from 01.01.2025.
Camping in Croatia?
Camp Kozica is the perfect place for a true vacation in untouched nature. Perfectly positioned, ideal for those who really enjoy unfettered camping. And at the same time, it is well connected by traffic to major tourist centers.
Contact us today and secure your perfect camping holiday.